Friday, July 16, 2021

Subqueries inside FROM clause


Subqueries inside FROM clause (returns a temporary table)

  • Restructure and transform data into different shape
  • A subquery in FROM is an effective way of answering detailed questions that requires filtering or transforming data before including it in your final results.
  • Pre-filtering data
  • Calculating aggregates of aggregates
    • Which 3 teams has the highest average of home goals scored? (AVG, MAX)
Things to remember:

  • You can create multiple subqueries in one FROM statement
    • Alias them!
    • Join them!
  • You can join a subquery to a table in FROM
    • Include a joining columns in both tables

Subquery as a temporary table in FROM clause. We can have multiple table using a comma in FROM clause.

SELECT DISTINCT monarchs.continent, subquery.max_perc
FROM monarchs,
            (SELECT continent, MAX(women_parli_perc) AS max_perc
                FROM states
                GROUP BY continent) AS subquery
WHERE monarch.continent = subquery.continent
ORDER BY continent;

Question: Determine the number of languages spoken for each country, identified by the country's local name! 

-- Select fields
SELECT local_name, subquery.lang_num
  -- From countries
  FROM countries,
    -- Subquery (alias as subquery)
    (SELECT code, COUNT(*) AS lang_num
     FROM languages
     GROUP BY code) AS subquery
  -- Where codes match
  WHERE countries.code = subquery.code
-- Order by descending number of languages
ORDER BY lang_num DESC;

Generate a subquery using the match table, and then join that subquery to the country table to calculate information about matches with 10 or more goals in total!

    -- Select country name and the count match IDs AS country_name,
    COUNT( AS matches
FROM country AS c
-- Inner join the subquery onto country
-- Select the country id and match id columns
INNER JOIN (SELECT country_id, id 
            FROM match
            -- Filter the subquery by matches with 10+ goals
            WHERE (home_goal + away_goal) >= 10) AS sub
ON = sub.country_id
GROUP BY country_name;

In the previous exercise, you found that England, Netherlands, Germany and Spain were the only countries that had matches in the database where 10 or more goals were scored overall. Let's find out some more details about those matches -- when they were played, during which seasons, and how many of the goals were home vs. away goals.

You'll notice that in this exercise, the table alias is excluded for every column selected in the main query. This is because the main query is extracting data from the subquery, which is treated as a single table.

    -- Select country, date, home, and away goals from the subquery
    -- Select country name, date, home_goal, away_goal, and total goals in the subquery
    (SELECT AS country, 
           (m.home_goal + m.away_goal) AS total_goals
    FROM match AS m
    LEFT JOIN country AS c
    ON m.country_id = AS subq
-- Filter by total goals scored in the main query
WHERE total_goals >= 10;

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